Now we are in the first year of the Aquarius Age, the long awaited Golden Age. With this birth will come a surge of Energy , a release of New Insights, A New Vision for Governance in Gaia.We now have a brand new perspective in which we see things from our multi-dimensionality. There will be new opportunities to connect with others that hold the same Vision , yet it is not a singular vision or one point of perception.
People will begin to feel pride and responsibility where there was none. Even in leadership, people will demand their government leaders to listen and act on the ideas of the "grassroots" movement. If the economics of your country was built on "shifting sand, you as an individual can take back your power and begin one by one to balance the energies of the monetary system. Let's hold the intent of prosperity for our nation with this simple exercise of Abundance.
Have you ever seen "gold" coins in a gold mesh bag often sold at the holidays? Now these "gold" coins are made out of chocolate. Now we all know that chocolate is good for the heart-physically as and anti-oxidant, and emotionally lifts our spirits-brings joy and a feel -good state of being.
Let's envision sending these gold mesh bags of golden coins to everyone we know with our heart's love. Send them to people you see that are homeless, send them to children that are hungry, send them with your heart's love. By connecting our heart's love to each other through this gift of "golden" coins, we are connecting to the economy of our nation and the planet,. With this gift we hold the intent of abundance and prosperity and new distribution of the energies of abundance and prosperity worldwide.
Let's talk about the abundance of crops, food that is no longer controlled by multi-nationalist,agri-business, but by our own hands. Since we are moving into multi-dimensional spaces while we sleep, what if we are visiting a garden filled with elemental nature spirits: the gnomes, the elves, who are teaching us new ideas for growing our own food. As we go about our daily life, our heart"remembers" the fun we had and our lessons with the elementals and suddenly we begin to envision creating our own vegetable garden. New foods and ways of preparation will become commonplace. Farmer's market will be a way of life for everyone, even those who are unable to grow their own food. Our bodies are requiring new foods to allow us to contain and hold the Light in our physicality. To assist our bodies to hold the highest quantity of light we choose the food that is "light-filled" or Sunshine filled-the living Spirit has touched them as they have grown
Fruits and nuts would be touched by the first rays of sunshine. Vegetables that grow tall or grow up a trellis would be the next touched by sunlight-beans, cucumbers, squash, tomatoes, peas etc. Leafy vegetables are next to catch the "RAYS OF LIVING LIGHT" from the sun. Next the waves of grains -wheat, millet, rye, quinoa, rice, spelt, as well as the tiny grains of amaranth and Ethiopian Teff. All these grains are packets, individual energy packets of the energy of the Sun as you eat them this LIVING LIGHT becomes a part of you. We can co- create a new light filled food filled with the minerals, vitamins, and amino acids which are bodies require matching our own DNA code.By cooperating with the elemental nature beings, even those smaller particles below the atomic level called "the writers" , by love we can custom create our food to match our vibrations.
Think about taking back your power from the multi-nationalist that control the grain cartel . Now in this new energy of the New Earth we can bring the control of the grains and vegetable under our dominion touched by our hands, flooded with the light of our hearts as you prepare your evening meal. You will become "Lighter" with every bite, drop excess weight and the old diet, the old way of eating no longer is compatible with you multi-dimensional body.
The New Vision for Leadership Eat our talk
Be our talk physically, mentally and emotionally
posted by Maureen O'Connell