I feel hopeful that two major things are about to blossom on the world scene- new free energy technology has just been released by the M. T. Keshe Foundation in Taiwan. This is going to level the playing field and all of the oil and gas conflicts world wide will be taking a back seat. When those who are the inventors and entrepreneurs grab the torch and make these devices available to everyone, there will be no need to jostle for the oil and gas fields-this action will be relegated to the Age of the Dinosaurs. The second major development is the reevaluation of money worldwide, the new money that will be backed by gold and precious metal as well as the release of prosperity funds . This will be the seed money for many to co-create a New Earth and manifest their dreams to bring new ways of producing food-more local than corporate-new ways to heal our environment, new healing modalities that are body-friendly. Lastly and most importantly, this coming spring will be our time to greet and meet our brothers and sisters from the Star Nations that are here to assist us as well as those who live and dwell in the inner earth who are very anxious to meet us top side. So open your mind and heart, this Spring is going to be quite a ride.