Wednesday, December 25, 2013

                      My thoughts on Christmas Day

A few days ago while driving in traffic I noticed a new bumper sticker, actually it was a rear window sticker, which read "Large governments make small citizens." I thought about that several times and I share my thoughts and visions for the New Governance. "It is an Entity that would be the least intrusive in the affairs of its citizens yet hold the perfect structure to allow creativity to thrive in the lives of the citizens."  This would be a new paradigm that allows each person that calls themselves a citizen to be responsible for their own actions, their own creations, their own choices as long as it harms no one else or our Mother Gaia (our planet).We do not wait for edicts, regulations, enactments, for we are the Creators of what we want to see in our nation, our state, our county and our town.  There is no need for a large police force, or other types of  enforcements, for we as Citizens know in our heart what is right and wrong.  We are the Magnanimous Ones living in Unity with our brothers and sisters, side by side, regardless of their beliefs, ways of worship, customs or inclinations.  We are the Big Citizens enjoying the fruits of our labor, our dreams and our creativity cradled by the smallest form of government that supports and allows us to spread our wings. 
