Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Today I overheard a group of people talking about the upcoming year and how the new Health Plans will affect their arena of responsibility.  Yes, these thoughts are on many people's minds of all ages.
So today I would like to share the VISION OF WHOLISTIC HEALTH FOR OUR PLANET given to me in a message by Lord Hilarion-the chohan of the fifth Ray-(the healing arts)
Hilarion spoke of the outdated pharmaceutical companies replaced by Holistic medicine .  More and more souls will individually take charge of their own health.  Energy medicine will be prevalent which will correct imbalances and the body will heal itself Ed. note:(This is a link to the cutting edge of the energy medicine called Scalar Energy presented to all on earth by Tom Paladino.)
All of the agencies in the Federal Government as we know it now will be unnecessary  especially the new Health Care Program-a dream that you just woke up from just in time.
Each family will take care if their members, choose wisely, using natural cures, healthy diet and drink pure water. The the body will right itself naturally.  The Galactic Federation have many new technologies to offer upon their first contact and landing which will include a method to restore limbs, an elimination of all types of epidemics in war torn countries.  Healthy babies will be born throughout  the planet with vitality and wholeness.  Yes, there will be many who will have children and raise them that did not have that original plan. Why? Many of your loved ones who drop their bodies will be anxious to reincarnate as your child/children. So be prepared! 
Aged diseases such as dementia, Alzheimer's will be a thing of the past .  No where does it say you need to exit at a certain age.  It will be the norm to carry your body for centuries , if you desire.
The New Governance of the New Earth will be the cradle for Freedom of the people to choose Wellness, Health, Youth-ing as their birthright.
 I Am Hilarion
